I Tried to be Productive it Backfired

So I got really productive today and moved my bedroom around so I could have my desk in front of the window.

I then spent time filling up my drawers so I could have everything to hand when I am getting ready or am working. Then set about spending some time doing some studying.

When I moved my desk to its new home I had to move my bed to make room for the chair. It wasn’t a problem to move it but when I went to tidy up afterwards I noticed the bed (it was already a bit wonky) was sagging badly to one side. I looked underneath it and discovered that the centre posts holding up the frame had dislodged completely.

My son came home from school inspected it and declared it a lost cause and promptly set about dismantling my bed for me.


He is 15 and a dab hand with the tools and he made short work of it. I am proud of how he just rolls up his sleeves and gets on with the work. He was also slightly motivated by a promise of getting the TV to himself so he could play Minecraft. I wish you could have seen his face whilst he was working on it, he was so happy. Have I mentioned before he built my desk!

I am left with all the stuff that was lurking under the bed in a big pile in the corner and this…

The mattress on the floor🤦🏼‍♀️ This is familiar … has this happened before?


Oh yeah look my pics from March 2014, just before I got this last bed I would like to keep a bed for more than 5 years.

It’s going to be a fun few weeks until I can get it replaced. At least, I can sleep safely until then.

So I accomplished something whilst simultaneously destroying something else … awesome!

I am not going to allow this mishap to demotivate me as I have so much to do after I finish my Essays.

I have to finish styling my desk, get my new mirror set up and then I have one more piece of furniture to build and a gallery wall to organise and it appears I am getting a new bed now. There are a few other small tweaks that I would like to do but not just now.

My brother and s-i-l came round to help with a tip run it was so satisfying seeing everything go including the broken bedframe. It has been a great motivator to get some more things done including sorting the corners of my room and putting everything in it’s place or in the bin.

A couple of days after my initial disaster I bought a new bed, it will arrive next week, it was one of those times when I was grateful for the Black Friday sales which I normally avoid because I got a quality bed at a fraction of the price.

Did I mention I loved sitting at my desk it is great studying at it and having the natural light coming in which is so important for doing my makeup and my mental health especially at this time of year?

Catch you later


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